Arturo Fuente is a global benchmark for the cigar industry. Established in 1912, Fuente started his company by rolling cigars in the back of his house with his wife Cristina and two sons, Carlos and Arturo Oscar. Four generations later, the company is still family-owned and operated in the Dominican Republic. Arturo Fuente cigars are consistently rated among the best cigars in the world.
The Hemingway brand is a rich, African Cameroon wrapper over vintage Dominican filler. This line of Perfecto cigars honors the difficult art and craft of this old world style.
“Arturo Fuente’s Hemingway, is a medium-bodied cigar with rustic yet elegant construction. The tasting notes are sweet cedar, roasted cashews, and soft leather. Best pairings include light-to-medium bodied beers, cream soda, and ice tea. If you enjoy this cigar you might also like the Cohiba Red Dot and the H. Upmann Vintage Cameroon,” writes Matt W of The Cigar Box Indianapolis.
The Cigar Box is a family-owned, retail cigar store with two locations in Indianapolis and Carmel, Indiana. Learn more at